
Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive
Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive

texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive
  1. Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive install#
  2. Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive zip file#
  3. Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive code#
  4. Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive windows#

Since minted package requires access to the shell, this should be permitted within your editor. We are done! Everything is configured appropriately. %PYTHONPATH%\python.exe %PYTHONPATH%\Scripts\pygmentize.exe %*

Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive code#

Open the file with a text editor (such as Notepad) and write the following code in there and save off Create a text file and rename it to “pygmentize.cmd”.

Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive windows#

To do so, go to Windows root (press Windows key and type %SystemRoot%" or directly go to “C:\Windows”). Step 7: This step is to allow minted package an access to pygmentize.exe from your preferred editor. Alternatively, you can check Python installation folder (in my case, it is C:\Python27\Scripts) where you should see pygmentize.exe. It should be installed easily, you can check successful installation by running pygmentize -version where you should see the version of the package successfully in the command window.

Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive install#

To do so, run pip install Pygments on the command line. Step 6: Now, we have to install Pygments, as we went this far just to be able to install this package. You should see either up-to-date message for the packages or updating the packages on the command line. To check the appropriate installation of all the packages so far, run python -m pip install -upgrade pip setuptools wheel in the command line. Then, go to that folder in the command window (remember you should have started command window as an administrator when installing things in there) and run python easy_install.py.

texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive

Unzip the package in a folder outside of Windows environment paths and Python installation path.

Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive zip file#

If you already have pip on your machine, and not setuptools, you should download it in a zip file from here (at this moment, it is named “setuptools-38.5.1.zip”). The good thing is that it will automatically install setuptools for Python. Go to that folder in the command window (using cd command, for instance c:\Users\uqapourm\Downloads) and run python get-pip.py. Save the file somewhere outside of Windows environment path. If you get an error, you have to install pip by downloading get-pip.py from here, or any other websites. It should return the version of the pip installed on your machine.

texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive

Step 5: Let’s see if you have an appropriate version of pip on your machine. If you see an error instead of the version of Python on your machine, consult with this page. You should see Python 2.7 (as I installed this version). Step 4: To check if you installed python appropriately, open a command window (or use the same you already have opened) and run python -version. If not, you probably need to restart your computer and check again. You should see the two new paths in the results. To check if the two paths are recognised, open a command window (push Windows key and type “cmd”, then better to right click on it and select “run as administrator”) and run SET. In the new window, you should create new paths to Python and Python\Scripts. In the new window, you will see two sections: in the “System variables” section, find “Path”, click on it and then select “Edit…” in the bottom of the section. There, click on “Advanced” tab, and select “Environment Variables…” at the bottom. Then a window pops up where you should click on “Advanced system settings”, which takes you to a new window. Step 3: Push Windows key (between left Ctrl and Alt buttons) and type “System”. If you install a different version in a different place on your machine, change it accordingly. From now on, I will refer to “C:\Python27” and “C:\Python27\Scripts” in the rest of the guidelines. Then, create a new folder and call it “Scripts”. Step 2: Go to the folder in which you installed Python, usually, it is C:\Python27. I installed Python 2.7, but I am not sure if the same process would work for Python 3X. The reason is that the minted package uses special library/definition of colors in Pygments package through python. By the way, I tried these steps on Windows 10, not sure if it is applicable in other versions. In this post, I will try my best to explain the whole process step-by-step without any buzz word and confusion. I found no comprehensive guidelines to install this package and get to use it on Windows machine. I am a Windows user (unfortunately) and installing minted is not as easy as you might think. It allows you to easily specify the programming language of your interest, to format margins, line spacing, footnoting, reading from an actual code file, and other things. Between the two options, I found minted more flexible and easy to use, of course only when installed. There are two popular options, which are minted and listings. I was looking for a package to format programming code inside document for a specific programming language.

Texstudio looking for wrong version of texlive